My name is Tijd and my story starts on a train in Peru. I’m headed back toward America from a vacation in the mountains where my family wanted to explore life in the there. We slept in a village on the mountain Nevado Auzangante. During the day we explored the people’s culture and way of life. One day me and my brother asked our parents for permission to explore the mountains they said it was okay as long we stayed together. Almost at the top of one huge mountain the we saw a cave which was very very dark. “Should we explore it?” asked my 13 year old brother “ofcourse not” I replied. “Come on don’t be a sissy”. Looking back from now I’m glad I actually listened to him. But I’ll tell you the rest of that later let’s get back to the train. I was starting to doze off after about half an hour on the train and we were halfway through a bridge when many things happened at once the ground underneath us shifted, one of the pillers holding up the bridge cracked, a piece of the bridge fell off and the train screeched to a halt. But it was too late I remember watching out the window watching us dive lower and lower. My mom and basically everyone else including me started to scream. Then in my head I pleaded to no one please no no no no no omigodimgonnadieimgonnadie! Then BAM I heard whooshing and voices for about three seconds and I kid you not I was back at a train station waiting for a late train. Exactly like before. And when the train pulled up exactly like before. I realized I’ve gone back in time.
Feel free to continue the story in your comments.
Feel free to continue the story in your comments.
Interesting story! This was very compelling and I would love to read more. I'm curious to see what happens next. Thank you for sharing this week.