Friday, December 8, 2017

Superhero idea

My superhero is named LEGEND. His identity is Scott Smith and his age is 27 he is from Scotland and he lived there with his parents and brother and sister but moved to Berwyn Illinois at age 6 when his parents died and his siblings went to their grandmother in Ireland. His short story is that he moved to Berwyn because his uncle lived there. As a child he was a prodigy in mathematics and got into M.I.T. at age 15 because he aced S.A.T. He was hungry for more knowledge so he studied and mastered robotic engineering then he went on to study other subjects. One individual subject interested him very much which was astronomy. He researched and researched and he soon mastered that subject as well. He graduated very early at age 19 with a doctorates degree. His first job was at age 18 at a famous robotics company. But he only worked there for two years because he was invited into the project of going to Mars he happily accepted and trained for five years. He took the trip at age 25 with four other people.What happened up their is a mystery to everyone except Scott Smith. All anyone knows is that halfway through the mission a huge alien ship somehow warped in front of their path when all communication was cut off with N.A.S.A. and that team never came back. Only LEGEND did in some queer space armor.


  His current residence is a mansion.
  He has no powers but he is athletic
  His brother got the power of flight and he is a evil genius mastermind his sisters whereabouts are unknown
   He has a son in the far future who goes back in time to kill his father which is another story.

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